How to Invest Basics from Financial Advisers You Can Trust

At Life Financial Planners, we understand that investing can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right knowledge, guidance and investment advice, you can navigate the world of investments confidently and effectively. Let’s explore the basics of investing and discover how you can take control of your financial future right here in Perth.

Plan, Research, and Diversify 

When it comes to investing, planning, researching, and diversifying are paramount. These three principles serve as the foundation for successful investing, helping you find investments that align with your risk tolerance and financial goals. By following these golden rules, you can make informed decisions and accelerate your journey towards financial freedom. 


Golden Rules of Investing 

Before diving into the specifics of investments, it’s essential to adhere to some golden rules: 


Pay off Your Debts First: Prioritise paying off any outstanding debts, such as credit cards or personal loans, before venturing into investments.

Build Emergency Savings: Ensure you have enough savings to cover at least three months’ worth of expenses. This safety net will prevent you from having to sell investments in case of emergencies.


Investing with Perth Financial Advisers

Once you have your debts under control and emergency savings in place, it’s time to focus on investing for your future. At LIFE Financial Planners, we’re here to help you every step of the way. Our six-step process begins with a thorough discussion of your financial goals and attitudes towards investment risk. 

Our top Perth financial adviser then designs an investment asset allocation specifically tailored to you, which we implement and monitor regularly. Our team conducts extensive research and analysis to ensure that our recommendations are current and relevant to your unique circumstances. 


Examples of Investments 

Let’s explore some examples of defensive and growth investments:

Defensive Investments: 

Cash: Bank accounts, high-interest savings accounts, and term deposits are examples of cash investments. These provide a low-risk option for short-term financial goals and serve as a safety net in your investment portfolio. 

Fixed Interest: Government bonds, corporate bonds, debentures, and capital notes fall under fixed-interest investments. These offer steady income and lower risk compared to growth investments. 


Growth Investments:

Property: Investing in residential or commercial properties can provide both rental income and capital growth over the long term. While property investments carry higher risk, they offer the potential for substantial returns. 

Shares: Investing in shares involves purchasing ownership in a company. Shares offer the potential for significant capital growth and may also provide income through dividends. However, they come with higher risk and can be volatile in the short term. 


Staying Informed from Perth Financial Advisers

With ever-changing market and economic conditions, staying informed is crucial. At each of your regular portfolio reviews, we provide research for all of your recommended investments and explain the reasoning behind all recommendations. It’s essential to know that your portfolio is researched, structured, and, most importantly, tailored to you and your goals. 

At Life Financial Planners, we understand that investing can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. We’re committed to helping you build a secure financial future through strategic financial planning. Contact Marijana or Mei today at (08) 9322 1882 to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards achieving your financial goals. Don’t wait any longer to invest in your future with LIFE Financial Planners. 

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