Your Guide to Self Managed Super Funds

A one-size-fits-all approach rarely applies to retirement, and understanding, if a Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) is the right choice for you, depends on your individual circumstances, needs and wants for the future. In this guide, we take a look into the world of Self-Managed Super Funds (SMSFs), sharing how they work while our experienced Financial Planner Perth provides clear and supportive insights to help you plan a retirement that works for you. 

Understanding SMSFs: A Clear Distinction:

A Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) distinguishes itself as a private fund, allowing you to take the reins of your retirement destiny. It stands apart from industry and retail super funds, providing you with the freedom to shape your investment advice and make choices aligned with your unique aspirations. 

Benefits of SMSFs:  

Choice and Freedom:

SMSFs empower you with a broader spectrum of investment options, allowing you to venture into assets like real property, art, and collectibles. The flexibility to borrow for property investment further expands your horizons. 

Control Over Your Destiny:

As a member-trustee, you hold the strings to your retirement investments both during your working years and when you decide to retire. This level of control extends beyond the offerings of traditional super funds. 

Tax Benefits:

Enjoy reduced tax rates on investment returns within SMSFs, capped at a maximum of 15%. Post the age of 60, you can enjoy the tax-free status of your received payments, providing a valuable financial advantage. 


The ability to bring together up to six members enhances your capacity to access investment opportunities that may elude individual investors. This scale may also contribute to keeping fees at bay, potentially amplifying your investment growth. 

Estate Planning Flexibility:

SMSFs offer a unique advantage in estate planning, allowing for flexible distribution of death benefits in accordance with the trust deed and super law. 


Considerations on the SMSF Journey:  


Autonomy of power requires significant responsibility. Managing an SMSF is a meticulous process to ensure you are in accord with regulatory compliance, with penalties for non-compliance ranging from fines to potential legal proceedings. 


SMSFs are complex, and it is best to rely on someone to help you navigate both financial and investment expertise. Trustees must stay abreast of market changes, ensure a diversified portfolio, and remain vigilant to legislative updates. 

Time Commitment:

The administration and management of an SMSF demand time and dedication. While the workload is substantial, many find a sense of purpose and involvement in running their own fund. 

Insurance Costs:

It is essential to be aware that SMSFs may entail higher insurance costs compared to public super funds, which negotiate bulk premiums with insurance providers. 

Outsourcing Options:

Recognising the demands, trustees can consider outsourcing management to professionals such as investment managers or financial advisers.  

Minimum Amount Consideration:

While there is no rigid minimum for setting up an SMSF, costs can escalate based on the fund’s complexity, structure, and associated fees. 


Frequently Asked Questions:  

Can I Borrow for Property Investment?

Indeed, SMSFs can leverage Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangements for property investment, unlocking a pathway to diversified portfolios. 

Penalties for Non-Compliance:

Understanding the potential consequences of non-compliance is crucial, ranging from the loss of concessional tax treatment to fines and legal ramifications. 

Suitability of SMSFs:

SMSFs are not a one-size-fits-all solution. Determining their suitability requires carefully assessing individual circumstances, financial goals, and investment knowledge. Seeking advice from a financial adviser is a prudent step. 

Crafting a fulfilling retirement involves understanding the nuances, committing to the responsibilities, and seeking the guidance of SMSF financial planner in Perth who are dedicated to finding the most appropriate retirement strategy for you. Remember, planning the route to retirement is as unique as you are. With informed decision-making and thoughtful planning, your SMSF can become a powerful asset driving you towards the retirement you deserve.


Your Self-Managed Super Fund

While they are vastly rising in popularity, SMSFs are still complicated to implement and maintain, requiring the right planning and expertise. Our team of  SPAA Accredited SMSF Specialist Advisers will bring a wealth of experience and skill to ensure that your SMSF requirements are met and upheld from inception to finalisation. For more information, contact us via phone 08 9322 1882 or email 

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