Business Super Solutions
Business Super Solutions
If you’re an employer LIFE Financial Planners can help to set up, run and regularly review your Employer Super Fund.
Some employers provide a box standard, bland Employer Super Fund to their employees with little thought put into tailoring to their employees’ needs. We offer a chance to be different and offer your employees a high quality, regularly reviewed and researched product that you yourself can benefit from as well.
We have the skill and expertise to provide an easily managed, straightforward Employer Super Fund that will make it easy for you to provide your employees with quality superannuation products and benefits.
We specialise in transforming your 9.50% mandatory super contribution into an investment in your business and your staff’s futures.
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Business Super Solutions in WA, market finance planning in WA, financial goals in WA, financial information in WA, personal financial goals in WA, financial objectives in WA, retirement savings in WA